Objectives & Functions

At our agency every units and department is saddled with various objectives which perform a number of functions to ensure smooth running of the agency as we serve the public. 

Training Services

Provide training services particularly at senior policy making, advising on policies made and policy-analysis levels to top caliber personnel.

Publishing of Reports

Prepare and publish books, reports, journals, as may be seen desirable for dissemination of information on public administration and finance.

Organize special programmes

Organize special programmes tailor-made to meet the specific needs of any Ministry, Agency, parastatal and private organizations.

Assistance in Duties Discharge

Carry out other activities necessary for the full discharge of any of its functions.

Organize Conferences

Organize seminars, symposia, conferences, workshops, lectures for both public and private organizations for the purpose of dissemination of ideas.

Development and Training

Provide for development and re-training of all levels of personnel of the State and Local Government.